The Beauty Of Nature


Nature’s Breathtaking Showcase

Nature has given us some of the most breathtaking visual real time animated images that we can not just see, but feel as well as hear. There is so much that our Divine Designer has shared with us, it is almost too much to take in. From the most powerful and majestic mountians to the tiniest of flowers we stand in awe of it’s beauty.  The undeniable power in flight of the eagle is in a sharp contrast to the soft yet bold color of a blue jay and yet….so similar in the fact they both cause the viewers to stop, just to watch them in action.


There’s the cherry blossom trees who’s delicate flowers’ petals raise up and move in a dance motivated by the wind, and so picturesque when there’s no motion…and then there’s the Weeping Willow who’s long streaming branches seem to bow down in humility, each one in sync with the next in a graceful display.


The butterfly, an amazing insect that really is not seen as an insect because of the many different species and patterns of their wings and in the summertime, we get to see an awesome display of moving lights at night with the lightning bugs/fireflies as they display their energetic abilities for the wonderment of their audience.


With the appreciation of rivers, oceans and streams, waterfalls and super waves in addition to all those mentioned above, this blog is dedicated to the visual beauty of nature’s breathtaking showcase who’s author and creator is Almighty God, Elohim…our Divine Creative Designer.